Staying Calm in the Storm

“Sometimes God calms the storm. Sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child.”

Last night it stormed, the thunder and lightning were powerful and frightening at times. There were moments when it seemed to subside bringing an eerie silence. Then without warning, the skies would erupt into an unrestrained fury riveting the heavens forcing you to take cover.

Have you ever experienced a personal life storm that left you running for cover?

I have and the harrowing forces are distressful; they can fill the heart with unexplained anxiety and fear if we let them. There are moments when we cry out to God in our storm and the heavens are silent. Why does He sometimes calm the storm and then other times allows it to relentlessly rage.

 “When I said, my foot is slipping, your unfailing love, LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.”  Psalm 94:18-19

I wish I had the answers why God doesn’t always calm the storm.  I believe it’s because riding out the stormthe storm isn’t always the point, it’s about who is with us through the storm. It is a willful decision to trust that the storm isn’t going to sink our boat. That our trust and hope is in Christ Jesus, the founder and finisher of our faith.

Sometimes the storms of life are not where you face the enemy; it is where you meet God.

The enemy will use life storms to make us anxious, afraid, hurt, and discouraged. God will use them to make us fearless, secure, and determined… if we let Him. That sometimes requires us to walk in darkness to accomplish His ultimate purpose which is to transform our life. That process sometimes requires us to confront impurities within our life and as followers of Jesus we sometimes walk with Him in darkness to activate change.

God’s goal is to accomplish His divine purpose for our soul. We cry for relief during the storm, but that may not be part of God’s agenda to conform us to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.

What’s your storm today, this week or in the weeks ahead?

Your health, your kids, your job or finances? Addictions… we all have storms. This week my storm is my mom’s health. It presented unexpected concerns both financially and emotionally. I was unable to work because she needed me at the hospital and my sister was out of State at a conference.  I stress about the help needed to transition her to our home after this hospital stay and whether she will be content.

Mom’s dog, Benji, is staying with me during her hospital stay. It stormed overnight and my Benji went ballistic clawing everything within reach. I had no crate; attempts to swaddle proved futile and Benji hyperventilated ALL night (never knew dogs did that). Needless to say, the lack of sleep left me physically and mentally exhausted to ride-out my storm.

Do you feel like you have been abandoned, forgotten in your storm?

Take heart! You are not forgotten. When you cry out to God and He doesn’t answer, follow the path before you. Allow Him to control the storm in a way you never expected.

“Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.”
2 Corinthians 4:16-17


Heavenly Father, I am in the middle of a life storm. It seems you are asleep in the boat while I weather the adversity before me. I know you can calm the storm, but should you choose not to, give me the courage and strength to endure and persevere with the knowledge and promise that You go before me.

I trust you; I trust that You are fulfilling Your eternal purpose within my life because I am a child of God. Help me see the storm is where I meet you.




  1. Praying for you, Chris, your Mom and Benji today, Denise. You are an outstanding host and caregiver and I know God will bless you for this new transition. If I can help, say so. RJ just asked me if I needed to fly north after we return from our trip to Louisiana.

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